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section 1
Autodesk Revit Architecture is Building Information Modeling (BIM) software that comprises all aspects of a building designing project. Its powerful tools which used  for intelligent model-based process to plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. Autodesk Revit software works the way architects and designers think, so you can develop higher-quality, more accurate architectural designs. Using tools specifically built to support Building Information Modeling workflows, you can capture and analyze concepts and maintain your vision through design, documentation, and construction.

For Building Information Modeling (BIM) Revit is widely used in architectural projects in all . countries.Autodesk Revit Architecture course is designed to demonstrate the Revit Architecture software to its fullest potential.

IT IS A is a design and documentation system that supports the design, drawings, and schedules required for a building project. Building information modeling (BIM) delivers information about project design, scope, quantities, and phases when you need it. Revit is a single application built for Building Information Modeling with features for architectural design.

Section 2
Introduction to BIM and Autodesk Revit

Overview of the Revit Interface
Starting Revit Projects
Viewing Commands

Basic Drawing and Modify Tools
* General Drawing Tools
* Editing Revit Elements
* Modifying Tools

Setting up Levels and Grids
*Adding Levels, Modifying Levels
* Drawing Aids
*Project Units
o Modelling walls
o Creating Exterior Shell –wall
o Adding Interior Walls
o Working with doors and windows
* Adding Doors and Windows
* Loading Door and Window Types from the Library
* Creating Additional Door and Window Sizes Working with curtain walls
*Adding components

Creating Curtain Wall
*Curtain Grids o Mullions o
*Reshaping Curtain Wall Panels o
*Merging Curtain Grids o
*Adding Curtain Door Panel

*Temporary Dimensions
*Permanent Dimension
*Creating Custom Dimension Type
* Modify Dimensions

o Working with Views
o 3D Views
o Camera view
o Duplicating views
o Sectional Views
o Crop Views
o Elevation View
o Filters

Modeling Floors and ceiling
* Creating Floors
* Creating Openings
*Modeling ceiling

Modeling roofs
* Creating Roofs by Footprint
* Setting Up a Roof Plan
* Reference Planes and Work Planes
* Creating Roofs by Extrusion
* Cleaning Up Wall and Roof Intersections

Stairs and Ramp
*Creating Stairs
*Spiral Staircase
* Stair Calculator
*Creating Ramp
*Spiral Ramp
* Railing calculation

Groups and Links
*Creating Groups
*Importing Cad file and Revit File

Creating Construction Document
* Setting Up Sheets
* Placing and Modifying Views on Sheets
* Printing Sheets Creating Details

Adding Tags and Scheduling
* Adding Tags
* Working with Schedules

* Basic Mass Elements
* Custom Mass Elements
* Placing Mass Instance from Mass Family
*Creating Building Elements from Mass Instance

Creating Topographical Surfaces
* Property Lines and Building Pads
* Modifying Toposurfaces
* Annotating Site Plans
* Site Components
* Shared Coordinates

Introduction to Worksets
* Opening Workset-Related Projects
* Working in Workset-Related Projects
* Setting Up Worksets
* Best Practices for Worksets

Family Creations

Section 3
Architects use Revit software to take an idea from conceptual design to construction documentation within a single software environment. Sketch freely, create 3D forms quickly, and manipulate forms interactively. The software automatically creates accurate floor plans, elevations, sections, 3D views, and more, all based on your specifications and as you design. Optimize building performance outcomes by analyzing materials, quantities, sun position, and solar effects. Generate stunning visualizations and virtual walk-throughs to effectively communicate your creative concepts.

Benefits of Revit software:

Use BIM tools for intelligent 3D model– based design • Create high-impact visuals that help win business by more effectively communicating design intent • Gain greater downstream visibility earlier in the process, helping to reduce gaps in communication, rework, and, ultimately, time and cost • Analyze and simulate even the most complex structures and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems • Analyze energy consumption and lifecycle costs to help design more energy-efficient buildings • Revit sits at the center of a powerful portfolio of connected design tools. The Autodesk ecosystem of solutions connects people, processes, ideas and data and supports all phases of building information modeling